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Text File | 2007-09-08 | 48.1 KB | 1,052 lines
#include-once #include <ListBoxConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Memory.au3> ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.2.3++ ; Language: English ; Description: Functions that assist with Listbox. ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; These functions use some code developed by Paul Campbell (PaulIA) for the Auto3Lib project ; particularly the _Mem* function calls which can be found in Memory.au3 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; function list ;=============================================================================== ; _GUICtrlListAddDir ; _GUICtrlListAddItem ; _GUICtrlListClear ; _GUICtrlListCount ; _GUICtrlListDeleteItem ; _GUICtrlListFindString ; _GUICtrlListGetAnchorIndex ; _GUICtrlListGetCaretIndex ; _GUICtrlListGetHorizontalExtent ; _GUICtrlListGetInfo ; _GUICtrlListGetLocale ; _GUICtrlListGetSelCount ; _GUICtrlListGetSelItems ; _GUICtrlListGetSelItemsText ; _GUICtrlListGetSelState ; _GUICtrlListGetText ; _GUICtrlListGetTextLen ; _GUICtrlListGetTopIndex ; _GUICtrlListInsertItem ; _GUICtrlListReplaceString ; _GUICtrlListSelectedIndex ; _GUICtrlListSelectString ; _GUICtrlListSelItemRange ; _GUICtrlListSelItemRangeEx ; _GUICtrlListSetAnchorIndex ; _GUICtrlListSetCaretIndex ; _GUICtrlListSetHorizontalExtent ; _GUICtrlListSetLocale ; _GUICtrlListSetSel ; _GUICtrlListSetTopIndex ; _GUICtrlListSort ; _GUICtrlListSwapString ; ; ************** TODO ****************** ; _GUICtrlListAddFile ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListAddDir ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $s_Attributes - Comma-delimited string ; $s_file - Optional for "Drives" only: what to get i.e *.* ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): zero-based index of the last name added to the list ; If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; If there is insufficient space to store the new strings, the return value is $LB_ERRSPACE ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListAddDir($h_listbox, $s_Attributes[, $s_file=""]) Add names to the list displayed by the list box (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; CyberSlug ; Note(s): $s_Attributes is an comma-delimited string ; valid values are any of the following: ; A,D,H,RO,RW,S,E,Drives,NB ; A = ARCHIVE ; Includes archived files. ; D = DIRECTORY ; Includes subdirectories. Subdirectory names are enclosed in square brackets ([ ]). ; H = HIDDEN ; Includes hidden files. ; RO = READONLY ; Includes read-only files. ; RW = READWRITE ; Includes read-write files with no additional attributes. This is the default setting. ; S = SYSTEM ; Includes system files. ; E = EXCLUSIVE ; Includes only files with the specified attributes. By default, read-write files are listed even if READWRITE is not specified. ; DRIVES ; All mapped drives are added to the list. Drives are listed in the form [-x-], where x is the drive letter. ; NB = No Brackets ; Drives are liste in the form x:, where x is the drive letter (used with Drives attribute) ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListAddDir($h_listbox, $s_Attributes, $s_file = "") If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Local $i, $v_Attributes = "", $i_drives = 0, $no_brackets = 0, $v_ret Local $a_Attributes = StringSplit($s_Attributes, ",") For $i = 1 To $a_Attributes[0] Select Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "A" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) Then $v_Attributes = $v_Attributes + $DDL_ARCHIVE Else $v_Attributes = $DDL_ARCHIVE EndIf Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "D" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) Then $v_Attributes = $v_Attributes + $DDL_DIRECTORY Else $v_Attributes = $DDL_DIRECTORY EndIf Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "H" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) Then $v_Attributes = $v_Attributes + $DDL_HIDDEN Else $v_Attributes = $DDL_HIDDEN EndIf Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "RO" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) Then $v_Attributes = $v_Attributes + $DDL_READONLY Else $v_Attributes = $DDL_READONLY EndIf Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "RW" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) Then $v_Attributes = $v_Attributes + $DDL_READWRITE Else $v_Attributes = $DDL_READWRITE EndIf Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "S" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) Then $v_Attributes = $v_Attributes + $DDL_SYSTEM Else $v_Attributes = $DDL_SYSTEM EndIf Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "DRIVES" $i_drives = 1 $s_file = "" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) Then $v_Attributes = $v_Attributes + $DDL_DRIVES Else $v_Attributes = $DDL_DRIVES EndIf Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "E" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) Then $v_Attributes = $v_Attributes + $DDL_EXCLUSIVE Else $v_Attributes = $DDL_EXCLUSIVE EndIf Case StringUpper($a_Attributes[$i]) = "NB" If (StringLen($v_Attributes) > 0) And StringInStr($s_Attributes, "DRIVES") Then $no_brackets = 1 Else $no_brackets = 0 EndIf Case Else ; invalid attribute Return $LB_ERRATTRIBUTE EndSelect Next If (Not $i_drives And StringLen($s_file) == 0) Then Return $LB_ERRREQUIRED EndIf If $i_drives And $no_brackets Then Local $s_text Local $gui_no_brackets = GUICreate("no brackets") Local $list_no_brackets = GUICtrlCreateList("", 240, 40, 120, 120) $v_ret = GUICtrlSendMsg($list_no_brackets, $LB_DIR, $v_Attributes, $s_file) For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListCount($list_no_brackets) - 1 $s_text = _GUICtrlListGetText($list_no_brackets, $i) $s_text = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($s_text, "[", ""), "]", ":"), "-", "") _GUICtrlListInsertItem($h_listbox, $s_text) Next GUIDelete($gui_no_brackets) Return $v_ret Else If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_DIR, $v_Attributes, $s_file, 0, "int", "str") Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_DIR, $v_Attributes, $s_file) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListAddDir ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListAddItem ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $s_text - string to add ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): The return value is the zero-based index of the string in ; the list box. If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; If there is insufficient space to store the new string, ; the return value is $LB_ERRSPACE. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListAddItem($h_listbox, $s_text) Add an item to the List (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): If the list box does not have the LBS_SORT style, the string is added to the ; end of the list. Otherwise, the string is inserted into the list and the list ; is sorted. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListAddItem($h_listbox, $s_text) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_ADDSTRING, 0, $s_text, 0, "int", "str") Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_ADDSTRING, 0, String($s_text)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListAddItem ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListClear ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListClear($h_listbox) remove all items from the list box (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListClear($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, 0) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_RESETCONTENT) Else GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListClear ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListCount ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): The return value is the number of items in the list box ; or $LB_ERR if an error occurs ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListCount($h_listbox) return the number of items in the list box (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListCount($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETCOUNT) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListCount ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListDeleteItem ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - index of item to delete ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): The return value is a count of the strings remaining in the list. ; The return value is $LB_ERR if the $i_index parameter specifies an ; index greater than the number of items in the list. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListDeleteItem($h_listbox, $i_index) Delete an Item from the List (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListDeleteItem($h_listbox, $i_index) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_DELETESTRING, $i_index) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_DELETESTRING, $i_index, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListDeleteItem ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListFindString ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $s_search - string to search for ; $i_exact - exact match or not ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): The return value is the index of the matching item, ; or $LB_ERR if the search was unsuccessful. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListFind($h_listbox, $s_search[, $i_exact=0]) return the index of matching item (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): find the first string in a list box that begins with the specified string. ; if exact is specified find the first list box string that exactly matches ; the specified string, except that the search is not case sensitive ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListFindString($h_listbox, $s_search, $i_exact = 0) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then If ($i_exact) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, $s_search, 0, "int", "str") Else Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_FINDSTRING, -1, $s_search, 0, "int", "str") EndIf Else If ($i_exact) Then Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, String($s_search)) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_FINDSTRING, -1, String($s_search)) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListFindString ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetAnchorIndex ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): The return value is the index of the anchor item. ; If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetAnchorIndex($h_listbox) Get the Anchor Idex (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): DOES NOT WORK WITH SINGLE-SELECTION LIST BOXES ; This might not always be the first selected item--especially ; if you select every other item via Ctrl+Click... ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetAnchorIndex($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETANCHORINDEX) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETANCHORINDEX, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetAnchorIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetCaretIndex ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): The return value is the zero-based index of the selected list box item. ; If nothing is selected $LB_ERR can be returned. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetCaretIndex($h_listbox) Return index of item that has the focus rectangle (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): To determine the index of the item that has the focus rectangle in a ; multiple-selection list box. The item may or may not be selected ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetCaretIndex($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETCARETINDEX) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETCARETINDEX, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetCaretIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetHorizontalExtent ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: None. ; Return Value(s): The return value is the scrollable width, in pixels, of the list box. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetHorizontalExtent($h_listbox) Retrieve from a list box the the scrollable width (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): To respond to the $LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT message, ; the list box must have been defined with the $WS_HSCROLL style. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetHorizontalExtent($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetHorizontalExtent ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetInfo ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: None. ; Return Value(s): The return value is the number of items per column. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetInfo($h_listbox) Retrieve the number of items per column in a specified list box. (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetInfo($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETLISTBOXINFO) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETLISTBOXINFO, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetInfo ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetItemRect ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Specifies the zero-based index of the item. ; Requirement: Array containing the RECT, first element ($array[0]) contains the number of elements ; If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; Return Value(s): The return value is the number of items per column. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetItemRect($h_listbox, $i_index) Retrieve the dimensions of the rectangle that bounds a list box item. (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): $array[1] - left ; $array[2] - top ; $array[3] - right ; $array[4] - bottom ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetItemRect($h_listbox, $i_index) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) #cs typedef struct _RECT { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECT, *PRECT; #ce Local $RECT = "int;int;int;int" Local $left = 1, $top = 2, $right = 3, $bottom = 4 Local $p = DllStructCreate($RECT) If @error Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then If _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETITEMRECT, $i_index, DllStructGetPtr($p), 0, "int", "ptr") == $LB_ERR Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Else If GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETITEMRECT, $i_index, DllStructGetPtr($p)) == $LB_ERR Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) EndIf Return StringSplit(DllStructGetData($p, $left) & "," & DllStructGetData($p, $top) & "," & DllStructGetData($p, $right) & "," & DllStructGetData($p, $bottom), ",") EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetItemRect ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetLocale ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): Returns the current Local of the listbox ; same as @OSLang unless changed ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetLocale($h_listbox) current Local of the listbox (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): "0409" for U.S. English ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetLocale($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return Hex(_SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETLOCALE), 4) Else Return Hex(GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETLOCALE, 0, 0), 4) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetLocale ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetSelCount ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: multiple-selection list box ; Return Value(s): The return value is the count of selected items in the list box. ; If the list box is a single-selection list box, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetSelCount($h_listbox) Get the number of items selected (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): Retrieve the total number of selected items in a multiple-selection list box. ; Number of selected items (for a control with multi-select style) ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetSelCount($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETSELCOUNT) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetSelCount ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetSelItems ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): Array of selected items indices, first element ($array[0]) contains the number indices returned ; If the list box is a single-selection list box, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; If no items are selected, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetSelItems($h_listbox) Get item indices of selected items (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetSelItems($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Local $num = _GUICtrlListGetSelCount($h_listbox) Local $i, $struct, $i_ret For $i = 1 To $num $struct &= "int;" Next $struct = StringTrimRight($struct, 1) Local $p = DllStructCreate($struct) If @error Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then $i_ret = _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETSELITEMS, $num, DllStructGetPtr($p), 0, "int", "ptr") Else $i_ret = GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETSELITEMS, $num, DllStructGetPtr($p)) EndIf If ($i_ret == $LB_ERR Or $i_ret == 0) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Local $array For $i = 1 To $num $array &= DllStructGetData($p, $i) & "," Next $array = StringTrimRight($array, 1) Local $a_items = StringSplit($array, ",") For $i = 1 To $a_items[0] $a_items[$i] = Int($a_items[$i]) Next Return $a_items EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetSelItems ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetSelItemsText ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): array of selected items text, first element ($array[0]) contains the number items returned ; If the list box is a single-selection list box, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; If no items are selected, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetSelItemsText($h_listbox) Get the text of selected items (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; CyberSlug ; Note(s): ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetSelItemsText($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Local $i, $i_ret, $a_text For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListCount($h_listbox) - 1 $i_ret = _GUICtrlListGetSelState($h_listbox, $i) If ($i_ret > 0) Then If IsArray($a_text) Then ReDim $a_text[UBound($a_text) + 1] Else Local $a_text[2] EndIf $a_text[0] += 1 $a_text[UBound($a_text) - 1] = _GUICtrlListGetText($h_listbox, $i) ElseIf ($i_ret == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) EndIf Next Return $a_text EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetSelItemsText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetSelState ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Specifies the zero-based index of the item ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): If an item is selected, the return value is greater than zero ; otherwise, it is zero. If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetSelState($h_listbox, $i_index) Get the selection state of item (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetSelState($h_listbox, $i_index) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETSEL, $i_index) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETSEL, $i_index, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetSelState ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetText ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Specifies the zero-based index of the string to retrieve ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): The return value is the item string. ; If $i_index does not specify a valid index, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetText($h_listbox, $i_index) Returns the item (string) at the specified index (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetText($h_listbox, $i_index) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Local $v_ret Local $struct = DllStructCreate("char[4096]") If @error Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If Not IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then $h_listbox = GUICtrlGetHandle($h_listbox) $v_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessageA", "hwnd", $h_listbox, "int", $LB_GETTEXT, "int", $i_index, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) If $v_ret[0] == $LB_ERR Or @error Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Return DllStructGetData($struct, 1) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetTextLen ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Zero-based index of item ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): The return value is the length of the string ; If the wParam parameter does not specify a valid index, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetTextLen($h_listbox, $i_index) alternative to StringLen (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetTextLen($h_listbox, $i_index) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETTEXTLEN, $i_index) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETTEXTLEN, $i_index, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetTextLen ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetTopIndex ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): The return value is the index of the first visible item in the list box. ; If the list is empty then $LB_ERR is returned. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListGetTopIndex($h_listbox) retrieve the index of the first visible item in a list (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; CyberSlug ; Note(s): Initially the item with index 0 is at the top of the list box, but if ; the list box contents have been scrolled another item may be at the top. ; Returns index of the first visible item in the list box ; useful since contents for a long list will scroll ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListGetTopIndex($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If (Not _GUICtrlListCount($h_listbox)) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETTOPINDEX) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListGetTopIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListInsertItem ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $s_text - String to insert ; $i_index - Optional: index to insert at ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): The return value is the index of the position at which the string was inserted. ; If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR. If there is insufficient space ; to store the new string, the return value is $LB_ERRSPACE. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListInsertItem($h_listbox, $s_text[, $i_index=-1]) insert a string into the list (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): If this parameter is û1, the string is added to the end of the list. ; Unlike the _GUICtrlListAddItem, this function does not cause a list ; with the LBS_SORT style to be sorted. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListInsertItem($h_listbox, $s_text, $i_index = -1) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Local $struct_String = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_text) + 1 & "]") Local $sBuffer_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($struct_String) DllStructSetData($struct_String, 1, $s_text) Local $rMemMap _MemInit ($h_listbox, StringLen($s_text) + 1, $rMemMap) If @error Then _MemFree ($rMemMap) Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) EndIf _MemWrite ($rMemMap, $sBuffer_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($rMemMap) Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) EndIf Local $iResult = _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_INSERTSTRING, $i_index, $sBuffer_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($rMemMap) Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) EndIf _MemFree ($rMemMap) If @error Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Return $iResult Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_INSERTSTRING, $i_index, String($s_text)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListInsertItem ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListReplaceString ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Zero-based index of the item to replace ; $s_newString - String to replace old string ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListReplaceString($h_listbox, $i_index, $s_newString) Replaces the text of an item at index (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; CyberSlug ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListReplaceString($h_listbox, $i_index, $s_newString) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If (_GUICtrlListDeleteItem($h_listbox, $i_index) == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If (_GUICtrlListInsertItem($h_listbox, $s_newString, $i_index) == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListReplaceString ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSelectIndex ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Specifies the zero-based index of the list box item ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; If the $i_index parameter is û1, the return value is $LB_ERR even though no error occurred. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSelectIndex($h_listbox, $i_index) Select a string and scroll it into view, if necessary (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Sokko, Documented and Added To UDFs (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): Use this message only with single-selection list boxes. ; You cannot use it to set or remove a selection in a multiple-selection list box. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSelectIndex($h_listbox, $i_index) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETCURSEL, $i_index) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETCURSEL, $i_index, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSelectIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSelectedIndex ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): In a single-selection list box, the return value is the zero-based ; index of the currently selected item. If there is no selection, ; the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSelectedIndex($h_listbox) return the index of selected item (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): Do not use this with a multiple-selection list box. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSelectedIndex($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_GETCURSEL) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSelectedIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSelectString ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $s_text - String to select ; $i_index - Optional: Zero-based index of the item before the first item to be searched ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): If the search is successful, the return value is the index of the selected item. ; If the search is unsuccessful, the return value is $LB_ERR and the current selection is not changed. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSelectString($h_listbox, $s_text[, $i_index=-1]) select item using search string (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): If $i_index is û1, the entire list box is searched from the beginning ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSelectString($h_listbox, $s_search, $i_index = -1) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SELECTSTRING, $i_index, $s_search, 0, "int", "str") Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SELECTSTRING, $i_index, String($s_search)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSelectString ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSelItemRange ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_flag - Set/Remove select ; $i_start - Zero-based index of the first item to select ; $i_stop - Zero-based index of the last item to select ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSelItemRange($h_listbox, $i_flag, $i_start, $i_stop) Select range by index in a multiple-selection list box (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; CyberSlug ; Note(s): DOES NOT WORK WITH SINGLE-SELECTION LIST BOXES ; Select items from $i_start to $stop indices (inclusive) ; Can select a range only within the first 65,536 items ; $i_flag == 1 selects ; $i_flag == 0 removes select ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSelItemRange($h_listbox, $i_flag, $i_start, $i_stop) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SELITEMRANGE, $i_flag, $i_stop * 65536 + $i_start) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SELITEMRANGE, $i_flag, $i_stop * 65536 + $i_start) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSelItemRange ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSelItemRangeEx ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_start - Zero-based index of the first item to select ; $i_stop - Zero-based index of the last item to select ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSelItemRangeEx($h_listbox, $i_start, $i_stop) Selects items from $i_start to $i_stop (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): DOES NOT WORK WITH SINGLE-SELECTION LIST BOXES ; If $i_start > $i_stop Then items are un-selected ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSelItemRangeEx($h_listbox, $i_start, $i_stop) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SELITEMRANGEEX, $i_start, $i_stop) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SELITEMRANGEEX, $i_start, $i_stop) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSelItemRangeEx ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSetAnchorIndex ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Specifies the index of the new anchor item. ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): If the message succeeds, the return value is zero. ; If the message fails, the return value is $LB_ERR. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSetAnchorIndex($h_listbox, $i_index) Set the Anchor Idex (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): DOES NOT WORK WITH SINGLE-SELECTION LIST BOXES ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSetAnchorIndex($h_listbox, $i_index) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETANCHORINDEX, $i_index) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETANCHORINDEX, $i_index, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSetAnchorIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListGetCaretIndex ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Specifies the zero-based index of the list box item that is to receive the focus rectangle. ; $i_bool - Optional: If this value is FALSE, the item is scrolled until it is fully visible; if it is TRUE, the item is scrolled until it is at least partially visible. ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): The return value is the zero-based index of the selected list box item. ; If nothing is selected $LB_ERR can be returned. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSetCaretIndex($h_listbox, $i_index[, $i_bool=1]) Set the focus rectangle to the item at the specified index (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): DOES NOT WORK WITH SINGLE-SELECTION LIST BOXES ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSetCaretIndex($h_listbox, $i_index, $i_bool = 1) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETCARETINDEX, $i_index, $i_bool) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETCARETINDEX, $i_index, $i_bool) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSetCaretIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSetHorizontalExtent ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_pixels - Specifies the number of pixels by which the list box can be scrolled. ; Requirement: None. ; Return Value(s): None. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSetHorizontalExtent($h_listbox, $i_num) Set the width, in pixels, by which a list box can be scrolled horizontally (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Note(s): To respond to the $LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message, ; the list box must have been defined with the $WS_HSCROLL style. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSetHorizontalExtent($h_listbox, $i_pixels) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, $i_pixels) Else GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, $i_pixels, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSetHorizontalExtent ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSetLocale ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $s_locale - locale ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): Returns previous locale or $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSetLocale($h_listbox, $s_locale) Set the locale (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): "0409" for U.S. English ; see @OSLang for string values ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSetLocale($h_listbox, $s_locale) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return Hex(_SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETLOCALE, Dec($s_locale)), 4) Else Return Hex(GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETLOCALE, Dec($s_locale), 0), 4) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSetLocale ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSetSel ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_flag - Optional: Select/UnSelect ; $i_index - Optional: Specifies the zero-based index of the item ; Requirement: multi-select style ; Return Value(s): If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSetSel($h_listbox [, $i_flag] , $i_index]]) Select string(s) in a multiple-selection list box (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; CyberSlug ; Note(s): DOES NOT WORK WITH SINGLE-SELECTION LIST BOXES ; $i_flag == 0 means unselect ; $i_flag == 1 means select ; $i_flag == -1 means toggle select/unselect of item ; An $i_index of -1 means to toggle select/unselect of all items (ignores the $i_flag). ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSetSel($h_listbox, $i_flag = -1, $i_index = -1) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Local $i_ret If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then If $i_index == -1 Then ; toggle all For $i_index = 0 To _GUICtrlListCount($h_listbox) - 1 $i_ret = _GUICtrlListGetSelState($h_listbox, $i_index) If ($i_ret == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If ($i_ret > 0) Then ;If Selected Then $i_ret = _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, 0, $i_index) Else $i_ret = _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, 1, $i_index) EndIf If ($i_ret == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Next ElseIf $i_flag == -1 Then ; toggle state of index If _GUICtrlListGetSelState($h_listbox, $i_index) Then ;If Selected Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, 0, $i_index) Else Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, 1, $i_index) EndIf Else Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, $i_flag, $i_index) EndIf Else If $i_index == -1 Then ; toggle all For $i_index = 0 To _GUICtrlListCount($h_listbox) - 1 $i_ret = _GUICtrlListGetSelState($h_listbox, $i_index) If ($i_ret == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If ($i_ret > 0) Then ;If Selected Then $i_ret = GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, 0, $i_index) Else $i_ret = GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, 1, $i_index) EndIf If ($i_ret == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Next ElseIf $i_flag == -1 Then ; toggle state of index If _GUICtrlListGetSelState($h_listbox, $i_index) Then ;If Selected Then Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, 0, $i_index) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, 1, $i_index) EndIf Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETSEL, $i_flag, $i_index) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSetSel ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSetTopIndex ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_index - Specifies the zero-based index of the item ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSetTopIndex($h_listbox, $i_index) ensure that a particular item in a list box is visible (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): CyberSlug ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSetTopIndex($h_listbox, $i_index) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If IsHWnd($h_listbox) Then Return _SendMessage($h_listbox, $LB_SETTOPINDEX, $i_index) Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listbox, $LB_SETTOPINDEX, $i_index, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSetTopIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSort ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSort($h_listbox) Re-sorts list box if it has the LBS_SORT style (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; CyberSlug ; Note(s): Re-sorts list box if it has the LBS_SORT style ; Might be useful if you use InsertString ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSort($h_listbox) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Local $bak = _GUICtrlListGetText($h_listbox, 0) If ($bak == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If (_GUICtrlListDeleteItem($h_listbox, 0) == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Return _GUICtrlListAddItem($h_listbox, $bak) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSort ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlListSwapString ; Parameter(s): $h_listbox - controlID ; $i_indexA - Zero-based index item to swap ; $i_indexB - Zero-based index item to swap ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): If an error occurs, the return value is $LB_ERR ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlListSwapString($h_listbox, $i_indexA, $i_indexB) Swaps the text of two items at the specified indices (required: <GuiList.au3>) ; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; CyberSlug ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlListSwapString($h_listbox, $i_indexA, $i_indexB) If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) Local $itemA = _GUICtrlListGetText($h_listbox, $i_indexA) Local $itemB = _GUICtrlListGetText($h_listbox, $i_indexB) If ($itemA == $LB_ERR Or $itemB == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If (_GUICtrlListDeleteItem($h_listbox, $i_indexA) == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If (_GUICtrlListInsertItem($h_listbox, $itemB, $i_indexA) == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If (_GUICtrlListDeleteItem($h_listbox, $i_indexB) == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If (_GUICtrlListInsertItem($h_listbox, $itemA, $i_indexB) == $LB_ERR) Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListSwapString